Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions for Audio Packages

Between Ms S Byrne t/a Dynamic Mind Growth and the customer

All Audios must be listened to in a quiet space which is free from ANY distractions.

The Audios are complementary therapies and do not replace medical advice, medical intervention or medical treatment whatsoever. If you have or suspect you have, a medical condition, injury or illness, you will need to seek help from a qualified medical practitioner because you will need to take full responsibility for your own physical and emotional well-being. Dynamic Mind Growth does not have licensed healthcare practitioners. The Audios should not be viewed as a substitute for any treatment prescribed or recommended by your healthcare professional.

Except for any legal responsibility that Dynamic Mind Growth cannot exclude in law (such as for death or personal injury), Dynamic Mind Growth are not legally responsible for any:

Losses that:

(1)  were not foreseeable to you and us when the contract was formed;

(2)  were not caused by any breach of these terms on our part; and

b. business losses, including loss of business, loss of profits, loss of management time and loss of business opportunity.

Dynamic Mind Growth’s total liability is limited to the amount of fees paid by your for the Audios. This limitation on liability is an integral part in setting of the fees payable to us under these terms.

In the unlikely event that there is a complaint with the services, please contact DMG as soon as possible, to ensure DMG is given a reasonable opportunity to resolve the problem and reach a positive outcome for both parties.

If DMG cannot resolve a dispute using its internal complaint handling procedure and either party wants to take court proceedings, the courts of Ireland will have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any contract between the parties.